Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Laos and the last leg

Considering the amount of mishaps we faced in Laos, it's a true testament to how awesome it is that we not only enjoyed it, it may have been our favorite destination of the trip. Our plane was delayed, so we had to be rushed from flight to flight to make sure we made our next flight. We made it, but our luggage did not.

We only had a day in Vientienne before we were to hea
d to Vang Vieng for the river adventures and nature. We rented bikes and rode around the city. Actually, even though it's the capital, you can't even call it a city. It was a cute little town. We saw the largest golden stupa (not sure on the name, That Dam, a couple temples, and a large arch inspired by the Arc d'Triomphe. It was a great way to see the area.

The next day we left for Vang Vieng where we had planned to spend one day touring the river and caves, and then another day with elephants or something else depending on what was available. Well, good thing we didn't have our heart set on something specific because we woke up one day and Kelly's eye had swelled up to the point where she couldn't open it anymore. Luckily this place is used to tourists and after a short walk and wait, she had some meds to try to bring her eyelid back to normal. We think it was a spider-bite, but can't even really be 100% sure on that. So we spent that day in town, watching Friends and hanging out at the local eateries. They all seem to play Friends or have the customers pick out movies from their vast collections of counterfeit DVDs.

Once Kelly's eye healed, we went on a cave exploring and kayaking tour. We went in these innertubes through a cave that is half filled with water in low tide. It was really cool and something I never thought I'd be doing before the semester started. I got my fortune told again, hoping for better luck. After getting it translated by our guide, it was pretty bad actually. My first fortune in Thailand was all about bad luck and possible legal cases, but this one he wouldn't even translate all the way. He pretty much said, "well...it says you'll graduate/do well in school...other than that, well...why bother?" And this is why you shouldn't get your fortune told when you're life is going well. It'll never be good. After this, we went kayaking down the river, making a pit stop at one of the waterfront bars. There's a strip of bars in the middle of the river and it was just so "spring break" with all the young aussies/americans drinking in their swimsuits and swinging off a rope into the river and going down massive water slides. It was a lot of fun, even though I was kind of nauseaous from who knows what at the time.

All too soon, it was time to start the long journey to Vientienne, to Bangkok, to Hong Kong, and then ultimately home. Luckily they found our luggage just in time for us to leave, so it was only a minor inconvenience. The bus ride to Bangkok was the most horrible transit ever, with a "sleeper bus" that was just seats and no beds and absolute no leg room. Spent a day in Bangkok just exploring Koh San Road and the seedier side of the city we missed with Kelly's family around. Then we caught a flight back to HK and I spent one final night in LKF with Kelly and her friend Paul.

The past 6 months were among the best of my life. Thrown from my comfort zone, having to do everything on my own (at least at first anyway, until I made some great friends that will last a lifetime, despite the distance). I feel like I grew up a lot in these 6 months. And while my bank account may take years to recover, it was worth every penny for these memories, friends, and photos.

Thanks for reading, and sticking around this long to read it since I was way delayed in updating. I hope you enjoyed it, because I LOVED living it. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Koh Samui and Koh Phangan (The Best New Years Party of my life)

The trip to Koh Samui was long and trying - practically 24 hours to get from Bangkok to the island including all forms of transportation from train, to bus, to boat. Exhausting! It was nice to finally get in and be able to laze on the beach. Although our hostel was HORRIBLE and the worst I've ever been in. Sketch area, water that usually ran cold if it even ran at all, and a lazy landlord guy that never did anything. Most of Koh Samui was spent relaxing on a beach. We met up with a couple CUHK kids while there. It was a nice, relaxing way to pass a few days. I know this whole trip has been a vacation, but traveling at break neck speed to see anything and everything in the areas we travelled to can get exhausting. So this was a true vacation - nothing to see, nothing to do, but laze about and relax. It was nice.

After a couple days on the beach, we caught an afternoon ferry to Koh Phagnan for the craziest New Years Eve party, possibly ever. The crowd of around 50,000 people was filled with mostly Aussies, some Americans/Canadians, and all ranging from late teens to late twenties. There were a few older people there, and you could tell they live a verryyy different lifestyle than I could ever imagine. For example, we talked with this guy "Dr. Price" who bought a medical license, many happy endings, and pills while on vacation in Thailand. There were a number of these shadier characters, but the majority were Aussie college kids on xmas holiday. Perfect crowd for an amazing NYE party that raged all through the night.

There was a row of booths, each selling their own version of a bucket with soda, red bull, and alcohol. The creator of Red Bull (an original Thai product apparently) is one of the richest men in the country and I think it's because of this night alone. The beach had
bars, which were barely more than huts with music at times, spanned the entire length of the beach. They each had their own style, music, and crowd. We ended up spending most of the night in a beach bar that played everything from rock staples to modern hits. Up and down the beach they also had people doing body paint and fire dancers and fire jump rope and just many other things that could lead to lots of bodily harm. It's no wonder the town is filled with an emergency health clinics. The night was spent bar hopping and watching other people do stupid things. An awesome party. At midnight, there wasn't much of an indicator that it was the new year, just a few fireworks spread out here and there. I think by that point, everyone was too far gone to really care. At some point in the night, we went to crash on a quieter side of the island since the next ferry out was in the morning and we didn't want to waste our money on a room we would hardly use. It was not a very restful sleep, but it worked well enough in a pinch. The next morning around 8am, we decided to head back to the party to see the damage. There were still a couple bars full of people raging! It was madness. There's no way those people were going on just those buckets, Red Bull is not that strong. Left the next afternoon to get back to Koh Samui and that was a miserable, choppy trip. We came back to our crappy room to find that the water had been running the entire time so the whole place smelled damp. Not a great place to return to after such an unbelievable night.
Really, no words can fully sum up that experience. And there aren't even photos to help since I didn't want to risk my camera.

The last night in Koh Samui was spent with the few Aussie guys we had befriended on the island. We also met up with Mark from CUHK. Spent the night drinking and the guys bought a ton of fireworks. It was a lot fun and fitting farewell for the island. We stayed up til our early morning flight to our last major destination - LAOS!