Thursday, August 21, 2008

3 Days and Counting...

So, I don't have Wacky Asian Adventure stories yet. I haven't even left the country actually. I'm just setting up the blog so it'll be good to go once I'm over there. And I figure I'll give some background on me and the program.

I'm Kristal. I spent most of my life in the San Fernando Valley - it's "The Valley" you hear referred to a lot, where "like" originated to make us always sound a bit more bimbo than we actually are. It was fun times where I spent my weekends either in a mall, movie theater, or with Girl Scouts. Then for college, I moved a whole 45 miles away to USC. From the Valley to Downtown - not a mind shattering experience. I crave that mind shattering experience. And now's my chance - a semester in Hong Kong and then a month (or so) of traveling anywhere my heart and wallet take me in SE Asia.

So why Hong Kong of all places? Most people choose England, France, maybe even Eastern Europe. Well, HK was an easy choice given my requirements - upper division Communication courses, tolerable exchange rate, and not freezing since I'd be there in winter. This limited my options and plus, my roommate Izzy talked up how wonderful HK is since she lives there. She says it's got amazing food, good weather (once the humidity dies down), and the city is always bustling with activity. Soon I'll know for myself!

The hope for this blog is that it'll be a way to keep in touch with people while I'm abroad. Also so I'll have a written record of my travels that'll last and can't easily get misplaced like a paper journal can be. So here's the kick off of the blog, let the fun begin!


krystle said...

There better be pictures included in these posts.

Kristal said...

Oh dude, totally. And albums on facebook too. No worries. :)

Margaret said...

I'm looking forward to this blog!