Friday night one of the student helpers organized a big group to go out to an open bar club in Wan Chai. We head out and Rachel and I are starving since we didn’t eat dinner with the rest of the group. We figure we’ll find out where the club is and then go get food and come back. However, when we get there the bouncer is being really strict about the forms of ID. All us Americans brought our state drivers license because the consulate said not to take your passport out if you don’t have to so we were all in jeopardy of not getting in. Luckily, the guy realized he’d be losing out on HK$150 each person and let us in. But I didn’t want to risk not getting in if I left for food and came back so Rachel and a group of others said they’d bring me back food if they could. Well, long story short, my dinner was smuggled in inside Joel’s pants and then once inside hidden like contraband. I’m sitting in the club, trying to hide my fries and I asked Logan if he wanted any. His response, “What is that? Drugs?!” Yeah, that’s how stealth we had to be with just some cheap fries. Well, got my dinner and then enjoyed the open bar.
The next day, CUHK organized a Hong Kong city tour. The group of us who were out at the club were kind of out of it at first, but we dragged on and eventually got a second wind. We visited Stanley Market, which had rocky beaches and lots of shopping (like most places in Hong Kong so far). Then we went to Victoria Peak,
We then hopped on the Star Ferry and headed into Central to get sushi. I paid less than US$2 for my sushi dinner. CRAZY! It was the kind where the conveyer belt just has the sushi go by and you pick all the plates you want.
Classes have started so the posts will probably more spread out from now on. Hopefully I’ll have a great adventure to write about after next weekend. Tentative plans are to go to Taiwan or the Phillipines since we have Monday off. So we’ll see…
Photos: the view from my dorm window. Stephanie, Zarina, and I at the Wan Chai club (you can’t tell but we’re on the dance stage). The view from Victoria Peak. Logan, Rachel, Zarina, Leann, Etienne, and me at the Avenue of the Stars. Central HK skyline just before the light show. And of course, more photos are on facebook.
1 comment:
So uh, you wanna buy me some food and ship it back over here? Hm? HMM???
And no, I don't want it if it's been in Joel's pants. What does KT think of getting dinner from another guy's pants?!...that sounded a lot dirtier than I meant. Ha!
Sounds amazing so far. Write about school (since that's what you're supposedly there for [but we all know it doesn't happen much])!
Miss you!
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